Tag Archives: Trump

I Figured him Out

I want to write more, and I often jot down idea for blog posts. But after I think up something that I think is worth sharing, I often talk about it. And then after I told a few people I don’t think it is worth writing about anymore. But I have to get over that – talking about ideas is just step one, not the only step.

So who is “him”? Trump. I am interested in politics and community dynamics and globalism – all that stuff. And I also am extremely empathetic and spend a lot time trying to understand different points of view. So how does Trump work? Why is he successful?

I can’t listen to him talk at all. The words that come out of his mouth are… I can’t even describe it. But I have never for a moment thought he is stupid – just a really bad public speaker. And more recently, I have realized he is speaking to one audience (the far right) but what he actually implements don’t line up with his words at all. Listening to his words indicate one thing, but his actual results are completely different – and really quite reasonable.

And I hate to admit it – but media just eats it all up. They repeat and publicize his verbal diarrhea everyday – but his actual intentions and results, nowhere to be seen. I am no Trump fan, and while I lean towards conservative fiscal policies – I abhor the social policies of the right. But I am interested in the actual information of the policies of the current ruling party in USA – and the only place I can get that information is on conservative news sites.

I literally don’t believe or listen to a single speech clip or news headline – not even for a minute. I don’t click on the New York Times headlines about his latest Covid claim, I don’t get fired up about a rant on deploying troops on the Canadian border, I don’t even get angry when he calls someone else a nasty name. He’s baiting the media and it works – every, single, time. If I think a topic is interesting – I will look it up on a conservative news website to see what it’s actual implementation goals are (my favorite is www.nationalreview.com).

And I also think Trump will win the next election. He knows how to talk to his far-right supporters (who also have no clue what he actually implements) and he implements policies that are actually closer to center and make a lot of people happy. Business owners and fiscally conservative voters close their ears to his speeches and focus on execution. As long we continue to focus on the soundbites – we feed into Trump’s strategy perfectly and help turn media coverage of the current President into a one giant tabloid.