Category Archives: Poetry

A Rainy Day

The rain is not from the sky
It’s from the heart

The clouds I see out the window
Are troubled

Dark shadows indicate an unpredictable, unknowable nature
All the eyes,
All the science,
All the research,
The clouds get to keep to keep their mystery.
Just like my emotions retain their elusive nature

It’s all so fickle
A butterfly flaps it’s wings and a hurricance gets stronger
A partner looks sideways and a days sinks into darkness

Sunny days are around the corner
Bright fluffy clouds and impossibly blue sky
So totally hidden, unimaginable on this rainy day
A huge step of faith to know that it will return


All along the day,
words adjust my way.

I seek a steadfast path, guided from within.
But instead a candle flame, bending in the wind.

What is right, I ask?
Knowing there is no answer.
So many sides to the story.

Resonance is only found looking back,
I wish it was littered all over the track.

Stillness provides a small relief,
Conflict is the biggest thief.

As day winds down I look again,
For advice, reassurance, the correct lane…

– September – Oct 2020